Posts By Robbie Jones

Bell Peppers

The first weekend of March my wife and I went to Ocala, FL to visit some friends that moved out there a few months ago.  One morning we got up and decided to go check out this farmers market and I decided that it would be a good opportunity to play with my camera.  I thought that with all the different fruits and vegetables that I could get some shots with different colors. I don’t think that this is that great of a photo but I do like the colors in it.  I feel like I mostly got the settings correct because I didn’t feel like I had to do a lot to it in Lightroom.  I have a couple other pictures that I will post later from that trip.  As always any feed back is welcome.  Please feel free to leave me a comment.

Mister the Dog

I’m sure that this will not be the only picture that I post of our dogs.  In January I was sitting in the backyard with my camera and the sun was setting and there was just a single place that the light was coming into the yard.  Mister was just standing there in the light and I thought that this would make for a cool picture.  So I took the shot and then after I got it on my computer it wasn’t what I had seen sitting in my backyard.  So here is the before and after pictures from getting it into Lightroom and making some adjustments.  Please feel free to leave any comments.

Bass Performance Hall

Living in the Fort Worth area I have always really loved the Bass Performance Hall.  The building is amazing and I have always been drawn to the angels on the building. So the one day last month that I got to get out to take pictures I went to downtown and started at Bass Performance Hall.  As I was driving up to the top level of the parking garage I seen what I thought would make a good picture.  So I walked down two levels to get the picture that I had in my mind as I drove past it but after I got home I didn’t get the picture in my head.  I wanted to use the parking structure to create a frame for the building but because it is one block up and over from Bass Hall the parking structure created lines that I felt like drew your eye away from what I wanted to focus on.  It was about mid-morning when I went out and the sun was reflecting off of one of the other buildings downtown. Since the original picture didn’t really work out as planned I cropped it in Lightroom and then made some adjustments to it to get it more like what my mental image was before taking the photo.  Below is the before and after.  Please let me know what you think.